jueves, 24 de enero de 2019




Narrator: Once upon a time, there lived three little pigs.
Mother Pig: Look out for Big Bad Wolf!
Narrator: The first little pig found some straw.
First Little Pig: I’ll build a house of straw.
 I can build it fast!
Narrator: The first little pig built the house quickly and went inside for lunch.
Second Little Pig: I’ll build a house of sticks.
This is stronger than straw and I can build it fast!
Narrator: The second little pig built the house quickly and went inside for lunch.
Third Little Pig: Oh good, bricks! I’ll build a house of bricks. It will be strong and safe!
Narrator: Soon Big Bad Wolf went to the house of straw. He was hungry!
Big Bad Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me come in!
First Little Pig: No! Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!
Big Bad Wolf: Then I’ll huff and puff and blow your house in!
Narrator: Wolf huffed and puffed and he blew the house down! The little pig ran to his brother’s house.

 Big Bad Wolf: Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!
Second Little Pig: No! Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!
 Big Bad Wolf: Then I’ll huff and puff and blow your house in!
Narrator: Wolf huffed and puffed and he blew the house down! The little pigs ran to their brother’s house. Soon Big Bad Wolf knocked on the door. He was really hungry now!
Big Bad Wolf: Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!
Third Little Pig: No! Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!
Big Bad Wolf: Then I’ll huff and puff and blow your house in!
Narrator: Big Bad Wolf huffed and puffed, but he could not blow the house down.
Big Bad Wolf: I will come down the chimney to eat you!
All Three Little Pigs: Please do! We have a surprise for you!
Narrator: The three little pigs put a very hot pot of stew at the bottom of the chimney. When the wolf came down the chimney he landed in the pot!
Big Bad Wolf: Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
Narrator: The wolf ran far, far away as fast as he could!
All Three Little Pigs: Hooray!! Now the big bad wolf will never bother us again!
Narrator: And the three little pigs lived in their house of bricks happily ever after.

Actividad 2: Terminar el montaje de las casas (manualidad) añadir  las marionetas y  el texto de la foto según el curso.

1er y 2ºciclo
Resultado de imagen de three little pigs sequencing

3er ciclo
'The Three Little Pigs' houses | Top Teacher - Innovative and creative early childhood curriculum resources for your classroom

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 MATEMÁTICAS 3º TRIMESTRE https://www.orientacionandujar.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/CUADERNO-MATEMATICAS-3%C2%BA-LA-SALLE-LA-LAGUNA.pdf